Deal Breaker!
October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015
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Being a Covering

Every wife needs to align herself with God’s divine order for covering! The very same principle applies to the husband too. A man cannot successfully and effectively be the appointed covering for his wife if he himself does not align with the hierarchy of God’s divine order. A man (husband ) can only be as effective in the position of covering as his mentor – the one who covers him (in this instance Christ)
In order for the home-front to function, the head of the home (the man) must align himself under the headship of Christ! If Christ is not ‘heading’ the man, it will be impossible for the man to be a covering for his wife and children successfully. When a man displaces his covering (Christ) he in turn becomes an inadequate covering for his wife; hence unable to fulfil his role of loving the wife as Christ loves the Church. Conversely, when the man is subject to Christ as the Church is subject to Christ, so also the woman (his wife) by default, will be subject to him without a struggle.(Ephesians 5:23.)

Now that we have put that to rest, let’s determine what exactly it means to be a covering! What does it mean for Christ to be our head as men? His headship is protective, instructive, and directive. Never for one second does Christ intimidate us into submission, or enforce His will upon us! Whilst He remains our head and covering, He gives us a free hand to make choices (hoping we would make the right ones). He has never, and will never enforce His will or opinion on us – even though He would prefer we submit to His will for our lives.

Being a covering is like holding an open umbrella over your wife. Umbrellas shield from inclement weather be it rain or excessive sun. The one holding the umbrella to protect, naturally follows after the direction of the one being protected. Think for a moment: each day you set out on your journey how Christ’s watchful eyes follow after you primarily to protect you from danger.

“The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand. 6The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.” (Psalms 121:6).

That passage above depicts a picture of covering – one that every man should be to his wife… a protective, instructive and directive shade (covering)

Being a covering is completely different from being a lid! A lid contains, it limits, restricts, puts in darkness, and in some cases : snuffs out life. A man who behaves as a lid, is likely to be hailing from a position of insecurity or lack of trust. This is typical of a domineering and controlling husband – one who desires to dominate by restricting and blocking from any access to success! Think on this for a second, is this the kind of covering Christ is to us? If it is, then the chance of us fulfilling His mandate or purpose will be slim!

So my fellow brothers: did you know that your wife has a mandate from God to be a help meet – a vital part of your vision and God given purpose?

Being a lid instead of a covering will equally make you unproductive and your vision unfulfilled!
Any man that displaces Christ as his head as covering will struggle to function effectively. Ephesians 4:15-16 states that it is through Christ – the head that the whole body is joined and knitted together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. So if a husband and wife are not joined together through Christ, there cannot be effectiveness, such segregation leads to stagnation in the life of the head as spiritual supplies would be cut off.

Wherever there is a divine order as seen in 1 Corinthian 11:3; there are key results which will be seen:
1. The home will experience God’s peace
2. Working together will not be a struggle
3. Each partner will recognise their area of strength and complement each other
4. There will be effectiveness and productivity
5. Recognition of individual values exists 
6. Encouragement and the spurring of each other to good works
7. All shall co-exist in the LOVE OF CHRIST.

In reality and putting it into spiritual context, Christ is the head of every man, and without Christ, the husband cannot function and would fail as a covering to his wife.

Remain envisioned

©BAID One2One-2015
©TOEM 2015

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