Husbands & Wives INC

What it's about...

Husbands and Wives INC. is an idea God gave us for ministering to couples. It involves running regular informal forums and workshop where discussions between husbands and wives are conducted in a frank, honest manner.

The aim is to facilitate healthy and helpful conversations as groups of ‘husbands only’ and ‘wives only.’ Topical issues are tabled and tackled by both men and women in their separate groups. Then the couples come back together and findings are shared in a safe, confidential and non-incriminating manner. Each topic gives both sides a chance to air their views, and more importantly seek God’s counsel from His Word.

It also helps couples to understand that they are ‘not alone’ whilst helping both sexes identify with commonalities and align with Christ’s primary purpose for their homes.

Basically the INC. in Husbands and Wives INC stands for IN NEED OF CHRIST

At the moment, the groups meet quarterly through our BAID's non-denominational couples fellowship in our local church; we look forward to incorporating this into our BAID seminars too.

If you are interested in attending Husbands and Wives INC – please see our diary for dates. Do you want to host this in your local assembly? Please do drop us a line on
